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“It Is Such a Fresh Approach!”

“It Is Such a Fresh Approach!”

SOO-JEONG, a high school guidance counselor in South Korea, has used videos from the website in her class. She says: “The students’ reaction to the video What’s a Real Friend? is outstanding! After watching the video, they make comments like this: ‘I have never thought about friendship this way. It is such a fresh approach!’ Some said that they would go to this website whenever they needed advice.” Soo-jeong adds: “I have recommended this video to many others in my field, and they have been happy to have such a fine tool to use in their classes.”

Another video that many students in South Korea have found helpful is the whiteboard animation Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists. A lecturer working with the Juvenile Violence Prevention Foundation showed it to a class of students. “The video catches the attention of many young ones because of its appealing artwork,” she said. “In addition, the video is practical in that it shows not only ways to cope with violence but also ways to prevent it.” The foundation asked for permission to use the video in their lectures, which are presented in many elementary and middle schools. Approval was granted. Even police authorities are using videos found on

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