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It Strengthened Her Faith

It Strengthened Her Faith

It Strengthened Her Faith

A woman in New York State, wrote regarding the 32-page brochure entitled Will There Ever Be a World Without War?: “I felt compelled to write to let you know how much I appreciated and enjoyed it. Although I am not Jewish and was raised by a mother who was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I was never more moved by a piece of literature in my life!

“I hesitated to read it at first because I felt that since it considered subjects of special interest to the Jews, I would have a hard time getting through it. I was wrong. Everything was presented in such a clear and logical way.”

Certain peoples in history have certainly experienced intense suffering. That has been true of the Jews, especially during the Holocaust of the last century. We invite you to read Will There Ever Be a World Without War? It considers such topics as “Why Does God Permit Wickedness?” “Knowing the True God—What Does It Mean?” and “Who Will Lead the Nations to Peace?”

You may request a copy by filling in the accompanying coupon and mailing it to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.

□ Send me a copy of the brochure Will There Ever Be a World Without War?

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