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It Caught His Attention

It Caught His Attention

It Caught His Attention

On a main street in Bangui, Central African Republic, a youth received a copy of the tract Who Really Rules the World? The question intrigued him, and he was eager to know more about it. He started reading it, and his friend showed the same interest. Yet, there was only one copy, and the owner did not intend to give it away. How would they solve the problem?

The solution was to pay 100 CFA, which is the equivalent of 15 cents (U.S.), to obtain a photocopy of the tract. That is a substantial sum of money for a schoolboy in Bangui. But now both were happy to have a copy of the message that millions all over the world have enjoyed.

If you too would like to read how the rulership of the world will soon change for the better, you are invited to obtain a copy of this tract. You can request one along with a copy of the 32-page brochure “Look! I Am Making All Things New” by filling in the accompanying coupon and mailing it to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine.

□ Send me a copy of the tract Who Really Rules the World? along with the brochure “Look! I Am Making All Things New.”

□ Please contact me concerning a free home Bible study.