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Proud of Her Father

Proud of Her Father

Proud of Her Father

‘IT DOUBLED my pride in my father!’ exclaimed a 12-year-old girl in a letter to the India branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses. She was referring to the item “Interested Fathers Have Happier Sons,” in the “Watching the World” section of the August 22, 1999, Awake! It reported one study’s conclusion that when fathers show personal interest in their sons, these become adults who are full of confidence and hope.

The girl said that she is grateful that she and her twin sister are blessed with a father who shows such personal interest in them. She noted that she enjoys the way Awake! reports on world events, adding that “it is a very useful magazine for students today.”

To help concerned families deal with the unique problems that face mankind today, Jehovah’s Witnesses have published the 192-page book The Secret of Family Happiness. It provides helpful guidance for every member of the family—husbands, wives, parents, children, grandparents—yes, everyone. Among its instructive chapters are “Train Your Child From Infancy,” “Help Your Teenager to Thrive,” “Protect Your Family From Destructive Influences,” and “Maintain Peace in Your Household.”

For your copy, please fill in the accompanying coupon and mail it to the address shown on the coupon or to an appropriate address listed on page 5 of this magazine. You will benefit from specific suggestions that can help you to solve problems and can help make family life the delight that the Creator meant it to be.

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