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Putting Awake! to Good Use

Putting Awake! to Good Use

Putting Awake! to Good Use

AT AGE 16, Vanessa, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States, had to write a report for school on the subject of anorexia. “I did some research,” she says, “but I was able to find only little bits of information. I talked to my parents about it, and they suggested that I look up the subject in our publications.”

By searching the publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Vanessa was able to find a wealth of information for her report. “But this was only part of the assignment,” she says. “I also had to give an oral presentation in front of the teacher and 20 students!” How would Vanessa handle this challenge?

Like Jehovah’s Witnesses in all parts of the world, Vanessa receives training for public speaking in the Theocratic Ministry School, which is conducted at the local Kingdom Hall. “By means of this school, we are well prepared to go out in the ministry and speak to others,” Vanessa says. “We also receive counsel on what we need to work on so that people will understand us better.” The result of Vanessa’s hard work on her school report? “I received the highest grade,” she says.

Vanessa is one of many youths who are putting Bible-based publications and other spiritual training to good use. Such young ones are to be commended, for they are following the admonition of Ecclesiastes 12:1: “Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood.”