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A Brighter Tomorrow?

A Brighter Tomorrow?

A Brighter Tomorrow?

The future is a subject of intense fascination. Who of us would not like to know what we will be doing next month, next year, or even a decade from now? On a broader scale, what kind of world will this be in 10, 20, or 30 years?

DO YOU have an optimistic view of the future? Millions of people do, and these may be divided into two groups: those who say they have solid grounds for their belief that things will get better and those who maintain a bright outlook simply because the alternatives are too bleak to consider.

Of course, some people see no good news on the horizon. Among them are prophets of doom who seem to take delight in heralding an apocalyptic annihilation of planet Earth. Their view of the future has room for few, if any, survivors.

How do you envision the future? Do you foresee gloom and doom or peace and security? If you expect the latter, on what is your hope based​—wishful thinking or firm evidence?

Unlike the doomsayers, the publishers of Awake! do not believe that mankind is headed for extinction. On the contrary, the Bible provides solid reason to believe that the best of times are ahead.

[Picture Credit Line on page 5]

U.S. Department of Energy photograph