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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:

• What three keys can help us to resist any tendency toward dishonesty?

They are: (1) Develop a healthy fear of God. (1 Pet. 3:12) (2) Cultivate a Bible-trained conscience. (3) Work hard to promote a sense of contentment.​—4/15, pages 6-7.

• How do we know that serving God with seriousness does not mean always having a stern appearance or avoiding relaxation?

We can consider Jesus’ example. He enjoyed relaxing meals with others. We know that he was not overly serious or stern. Others, even children, were drawn to and comfortable with him.​—4/15, page 10.

• What can a couple do if their relationship seems to have weakened after they had children?

They need to reaffirm their love for each other. A husband can strive to allay any feelings of insecurity his wife may have. And both need to work at good communication about their feelings and physical needs.​—5/1, pages 12-13.

• What was illustrated by the olive tree in Romans chapter 11?

The olive tree pertains to the secondary part of Abraham’s seed, spiritual Israel. Jehovah is like the root and Jesus like the trunk of this symbolic olive tree. When most of the natural Jews rejected Jesus, Gentiles who became believers could be grafted in, thus producing the full number of the secondary part of the seed of Abraham.​—5/15, pages 22-25.

• What especially good news can we offer to the poor?

The good news is: God has appointed Jesus as King. He is the ideal Ruler to end poverty. Why? Because he is to rule all mankind and has the power to act; he has compassion for the poor; and he can end the cause of poverty, our inherited tendency to be selfish.​—6/1, page 7.

• What did Jesus mean when he told Caiaphas: “You yourself said it”?​—Matt. 26:63, 64.

Apparently, “you yourself said it” was a common Jewish idiom affirming that a statement was true. High Priest Caiaphas had asked whether Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus’ response: “You yourself said it” was an affirmative reply.​—6/1, page 18.

• Could the potential descendants of the perfect man Jesus have become part of the ransom?

No. Though Jesus could have been the source of billions of perfect descendants, such potential offspring were not part of the ransom. Jesus’ perfect life alone corresponded to Adam’s. (1 Tim. 2:6)​—6/15, page 13.

• How can Christians show that they take to heart the warning about false teachers recorded at Acts 20:29, 30?

They do not receive into their homes or greet false teachers. (Rom. 16:17; 2 John 9-11) Christians avoid the literature of apostates, TV programs featuring them, and Web sites containing their teachings.​—7/15, pages 15-16.

• Who should teach children about God?

The father and the mother should share in doing so, in line with what the Bible counsels. (Prov. 1:8; Eph. 6:4) Research shows that when both parents are involved, the effect on the children is positive.​—8/1, pages 6-7.