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Managementul şi optimizarea hemostazei

Agenți antifibrinolitici

Epsilon aminocaproic acid prevents bleeding in severely thrombocytopenic patients with hematological malignancies. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Antun AG, Gleason S, Arellano M, Langston AA, McLemore ML, Gaddh M, el Rassi F, Bernal-Mizrachi L, Galipeau J, Heffner LT Jr, Winton EF, Khoury HJ.

Sursă‎: Cancer 2013;119(21):3784-7.

Index‎: PubMed 23921838

DOI‎: 10.1002/cncr.28253 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

A controlled trial of tranexamic acid therapy for the reduction of bleeding during treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Shpilberg O, Blumenthal R, Sofer O, Katz Y, Chetrit A, Ramot B, Eldor A, Ben-Bassat I.

Sursă‎: Leuk Lymphoma 1995;19(1-2):141-4.

Index‎: PubMed 8574160

DOI‎: 10.3109/10428199509059668 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Factorul VII (rFVIIa) recombinant activat

Use of Novoseven for arsenic trioxide-induced bleeding in PML. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Alimoghaddam K, Ghavamzadeh A, Jahani M.

Sursă‎: Am J Hematol 2006;81(9):720.

Index‎: PubMed 16804937

DOI‎: 10.1002/ajh.20713 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Effective hemostasis with rFVIIa treatment in two patients with severe thrombocytopenia and life-threatening hemorrhage. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Gerotziafas GT, Zervas C, Gavrielidis G, Tokmaktsis A, Hatjiharissi E, Papaioannou M, Lazaridou A, Constantinou N, Samama MM, Christakis J.

Sursă‎: Am J Hematol 2002;69(3):219-22.

Index‎: PubMed 11891811 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Use of recombinant activated factor VII in a Jehovah's Witness patient. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Hsieh A, Cheong I.

Sursă‎: Am J Emerg Med 2007;25(9):1085.e1-2.

Index‎: PubMed 18022514

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.ajem.2007.03.007 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Clinical experience with recombinant factor VIIa in patients with thrombocytopenia. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Kristensen J, Killander A, Hippe E, Helleberg C, Ellegard J, Holm M, Kutti J, Mellqvist UH, Johansson JE, Glazer S, Hedner U.

Sursă‎: Haemostasis 1996;26 Suppl 1:159-64.

Index‎: PubMed 8904193 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)